GYAN BIKASH BIDYAPITH is an English and Assamess medium, Co - educational school situated on RUPAHI.
The GYAN BIKASH BIDYAPITH has excelled, for many years, in providing fine education, to the pupils entrusted to its care. In these years that have gone by, the School endeavored kindling a fire in the young minds of its pupils, preparing them for a world of tomorrow, full of challenges, so that in the words of Plato ‘they may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.Read More.
At the very inception I warmely welcome the admission
seekers in our institution realizing its reponsibility towards society in general. Our GBB provides opportunities to the students to understand and involve themselves in solving community/society related issues in future.Read More.
In my column, I have taken the opportunity to outline that GBB was established in the year 2008 under the aegis of Gyan Bikash Education Family, at Rupahi. Ultimately it is extended and upgraded to the senior secondary level in the year 2014. Read More.
We, at GYAN BIKASH BIDYAPITH Jr.COLLEGE AND ENGLISH AND ASSAMESE MEDIUMS SCHOOL manegement committee HUMAYUN RASHID AHMED, endeavour to provide sufficient opportunities to each student to understand and discover themselves and to face and overcome challenges presented to them to make school and college life fulfilling and complete. We take pride in helping them grow and develop into sensitive and responsible well-rounded personalities of the next generation.Read More.
It gives me immense pleasure in extending warm welcome to the new admission seekers in Gyan Bikash Bidyapith. This prospectus provides a detailed spectrum of School courses from "Ka" to Class "XII" (Science & Arts Steam) under SEBA AHSEC followed by NCERT curriculum. Our institution offers wide variety of elective subjects to expand the opportunities of learning. Read More.
Activity includes all kind of sports,indian & Western Dance,indian & western Instrument with professional trainer .
The future of our nation depends on our children. Keeping this in mind, broad mindedness and respect for all religions.
Stern and staff security personals are kept to ensure 100% safety of students in schools and buses. Also all classrooms, playgrounds, administrative area and all school buses is under CCTV surveillance on which the top management keeps a close eye.
There is no furniture so charming as books. So, how can an institution of learning not house a library? After all, libraries are places where people and information come together. School libraries do not just support the student population.
What is the immediate picture that comes to mind when we think of a playground? Most certainly an environment that is care-free, high-spirited and bursting forth with life. Play is often dismissed as an optional activity – an ‘extra’ – but nothing could be further from the truth.
Spread over an area of 7acres, the playground is fully equipped to conduct various outdoor sports activities like Basket Ball, Volleyball, Skating Rink, Cricket, Hand Ball, Throw Ball, Tennis, Swimming etc. Emphasis on regular exercise and physical figness is built into the programme and all game are supervised by masters.
We are very happy to introduce many dynamic courses which includes many new and great features we are happy to ...
We have got some best teachers available in town who can help you to polish your skills as much as you can ...